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  • Boosting Test Efficiency: How to Build a Smart Regression Testing Strategy
    6 minute read Yes, you’ve heard us say it one too many times—delivering flawless applications is a non-negotiable standard! However, this is not as easy as it seems! With every new feature or update, the risk of introducing unintended bugs into previously working areas increases significantly. This is precisely where and why regression testing in software testing becomes a cornerstone of quality assurance. For seasoned QA engineers and testing leads, crafting a smart regression testing strategy is critical to ensuring software reliability, reducing rework, and accelerating release cycles. There are a number of intricacies of regression testing in software testing, such as what […]
  • Bug Testing in E-commerce: How to Prevent Checkout Errors and Ensure a Smooth Customer Journey
    7 minute read The global e-commerce industry is a driving force in today’s economy, with sales expected to have reached $6.3 trillion in 2024, as per Statista. Businesses and consumers are becoming increasingly reliant on digital transactions, thereby making seamless online shopping experiences more critical than ever. A single bug in an e-commerce platform—especially during the checkout process— has the potential to derail the customer journey, resulting in heavy loss of revenue, damaged reputation, and reduced customer loyalty. It is, therefore, crucial for E-commerce businesses to address these challenges head-on by adopting robust automation testing of e-commerce websites and bug-tracking practices. With automation […]
  • Ensuring a Seamless Learning Experience: Key Bug Testing Challenges in EdTech Applications
    5 minute read Ensuring a seamless learning experience is of paramount importance in the world of educational software testing. If you are a tester, developer, and QA engineer with decades of expertise, you would know that tackling the unique challenges of educational software testing requires strategic approaches, cutting-edge tools, and collaborative workflows. EdTech applications continue to redefine modern education, especially in the post-Covid era. Maintaining software quality through robust educational software testing has become a critical driver of student engagement, educator satisfaction, and institutional success. It is, therefore, crucial to understand the key bug-testing challenges in EdTech applications, with clarity on actionable strategies […]