like and dislike comments on Bugasura issues
2023, Features, October

Now also Like/Dislike Comments on Bugasura


This feature is dedicated to improving collaboration and feedback collection within our issue-tracking system. We aim to provide users with more ways to express their opinions on issue comments and foster a sense of community and engagement.

Introducing Like/Dislike for Issue Comments

We are thrilled to introduce the “Like/Dislike for Issue Comments” feature. With this addition, users can now like or dislike comments on issues, making it easier to show support, agreement, or disagreement with comments made by team members.

Why should you use it?

  • Enable team members to provide feedback and show their stance on comments, helping improve communication and collaboration.
  • Encourage a sense of community by allowing users to express agreement or disagreement respectfully.
  • Easily identify popular and controversial comments to gauge community sentiment and issue discussion health.


  • Navigate to the issue comment you want to react to.
  • Locate the thumbs-up (like) and thumbs-down (dislike) buttons next to the comment.
  • Click the thumbs-up if you support the comment, or click the thumbs-down if you disagree or dislike the comment.
  • Your reaction will be recorded, and the comment’s sentiment will be updated accordingly.

If you liked this feature you should also check out the like and dislike issue feature which is best used for roadmapping, priority setting, and feedback.

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