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STeP-IN is India’s first and most comprehensive forum exclusively focused on Software Testing. STeP-IN Forum has played a pioneering role in shaping the evolution of Software Testing in India. This 16th Edition featured the trendsetters in the Software Testing world in current times. They gathered to talk, discuss and chat about agile, DevOps, mobility, IoT, quality, and a bunch of other stuff, as long as it has got something to do about software testing.

The Bugasura team conducted an event called BugHunt with Bugasura where participants found some pretty interesting stuff while testing apps like RedBus, Quickride, etc. All in all it was a fun and fulfilling event. The best Bug Hunters were also recognized and appreciated.

After 2 days of awesome fun, it was a wrap. Many of them have given us some awesome feedback which our product team has soon picked up. Many of them also had come and told us how much fun they had while actually testing. A huge shoutout to the Moolya and the STeP-IN team, at the conference and at the backend, who have worked hard to make this conference fun for the participants.