Screenshots suck.

Designers have spent more hours giving feedback than the actual design time. With Bugasura they spend more time thinking design.

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Download the app and spend more time doing what you love.

Screenshots suck.

Bugasura is a testing assistant that helps QA Testers, Developers and Product Owners give and take feedback without talking too much,

Bugasura App - PlaystoreBugasura Chrome Extension

Download the app and spend
more time doing what you love.

Report UX & IX Issues

Screenshots are not helpful to capture interaction, UX and flow related issues that compromise the experience. Videos are tough to annotate. Bugasura superbly solves this problem for designers to provide precise feedback.

Report UX & IX Issues

Report UX & IX Issues

Report UX & IX Issues

Screenshots are not helpful to capture interaction, UX and flow related issues that compromise the experience. Videos are tough to annotate. Bugasura superbly solves this problem for designers to provide precise feedback.

Annotate Flows

Great designs are beautiful flow of experience. The way people scroll a page – the way an element loads as they scroll and every small animation is part of an experience. and designers need powerful tools like Bugasura to report every small thing that comes in the way of the user experiencing the flow.

Annotate Flows

Annotate Flows

Great designs are beautiful flow of experience. The way people scroll a page – the way an element loads as they scroll and every small animation is part of an experience. and designers need powerful tools like Bugasura to report every small thing that comes in the way of the user experiencing the flow.

Power Ruler

Simple Rulers just pinpoint. Why not have a context around it? Why not give people an option to capture the ruler on top of their design and also annotate on it? These are some fundamental questions that led us to build a powerful ruler within Bugasura.

Include Ruler

Power Ruler

Include Ruler

Simple Rulers just pinpoint. Why not have a context around it? Why not give people an option to capture the ruler on top of their design and also annotate on it? These are some fundamental questions that led us to build a powerful ruler within Bugasura.

Bugsura Css Visualizer

CSS Visualizer

Context matters. CSS Visualizer inbuilt into Designer tool of Bugasura helps visualize the implementation of Design, CSS and element attributes. Feedback becomes more precise. Let the developer not ask, “Did you mean this?”

CSS Visualizer

Bugsura Css Visualizer

Context matters. CSS Visualizer inbuilt into Designer tool of Bugasura helps visualize the implementation of Design, CSS and element attributes. Feedback becomes more precise. Let the developer not ask, “Did you mean this?”


Bring your designers, developers and QA Test teams together with Bugasura’s ability to help people have one report instead of fragmented reports for people to sift through.

Bugasura Teams


Bugasura Teams

Bring your designers, developers and QA Test teams together with Bugasura’s ability to help people have one report instead of fragmented reports for people to sift through.

Bugasura report dashboard

Visual Reports

A GIF is worth a thousand pictures for a front end developer. Produce GIF’s and visualization of the interaction, feedback and little things spotted to make everyone’s life easy. Visual reporting is so cool that you’d wonder why you didn’t do it all this while.

Visual Reports

Bugasura report dashboard

A GIF is worth a thousand pictures for a front end developer. Produce GIF’s and visualization of the interaction, feedback and little things spotted to make everyone’s life easy. Visual reporting is so cool that you’d wonder why you didn’t do it all this while.